Henny Suzana Mediani
Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
Title: Barriers to provide effective pain care: Indonesian nurses’ perceptions and experiences when caring for hospitalised children experiencing pain in two hospitals in Indonesia
Biography: Henny Suzana Mediani
Background: Every day an unknown number of hospitalized Indonesian children endure pain from surgery, illness, nursing interventions and other medical procedures during hospitalization. However, little attention has been given to Indonesian children’s pain management and care. Th ere is a dearth of research in Indonesia regarding pain management in children. Th e aim of the study was to explore Indonesian nurses’ perceptions of and experiences with pain management of hospitalized children with a view to discovering factors that infl uence nurses’ ability to provide pain management practice in clinical setting.
Design & Methods: Th e study used Glaserian grounded theory methodology. Th is approach has allowed for inductive exploration and analysis of how Indonesian nurses’ pain management practice used to manage pediatric patients in pain and to develop a substantive theory that explains how Indonesian nurses attempt to resolve the main concerns experienced by them when caring for hospitalized children in pain. Data were collected from a sample of 37 nurses through semi structured, indepth interviews and was guided by theoretical sampling. Data were managed by using manual thematic analytic procedures to identify themes, patterns and essential elements contained within the text, while constant comparative analysis using open, theoretical and selective coding was performed.
Results: Findings from this study indicated that nurses working in Indonesian pediatric wards felt that they were not able to provide eff ective pain care to hospitalized children and as a result they experienced professional role tensions. Th ey found themselves internally confl icted because, although they had desire to provide eff ective pain care, they were unable to achieve this goal. Nurses identifi ed several organizational structure and cultural factors that were thought to hinder their provision of eff ective pain care to pediatric patients. Th ese factors are embedded in nurses’ clinical practice. Results of study provided a portrait of the clinical reality for pediatric nurses in managing hospitalized children’s pain. Th e study fi ndings can assist to inform relevant initiatives and strategies to improve clinical nurses’ performances and competency in providing pain care to pediatric patients.