Amal Mohamed Ahmad
Aswan University, Egypt
Title: Impact of implementing designed nursing intervention protocol on clinical outcome of patient with peptic ulcer
Biography: Amal Mohamed Ahmad
Aim: Th is study aimed to evaluate the eff ect of designed protocol for patients with peptic ulcers disease.
Design: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized.
Sample & Setting: Convenience samples of 60 patients with peptic ulcer at Assiut University Hospitals were selected. Th ey are divided into two equal groups matched for age, sex, educational status and co-morbidity.
Method: Tools for data collection were through a structured interview questionnaire and lifestyle assessment. Th e designed protocol was applied to improve the patient's lifestyle and decrease the rate of complications. Th e tools were used for pretest before conduction of the designed, protocol, immediate posttest and follow-up at 6 weeks.
Results: Th e mean knowledge scores and mean practice scores among the study group increased immediately post the program implementation and continued to be high at the follow-up phases. No such improvements could be noticed among the control group throughout the study phases. Statistical signifi cant improvements in study group, fewer complications and some improvement in their life style.
Conclusion: Nursing intervention protocol provided for patient with peptic are necessary to reduce complications and to improve their life style status.
Recommendation: Application of the designed intervention is recommended in similar settings.