Bandana Bisht
Chitkara University, India
Title: Impact of multimedia approach to an awareness program on knowledge and attitude regarding Schizophrenia
Biography: Bandana Bisht
A pre test-post test experimental study was conducted to assess the impact of multimedia approach to an awareness program on knowledge and attitude regarding Schizophrenia. A sample of 176 students of Chitkara University was selected by simple random sampling technique. A self reported questionnaire on knowledge assessment and Attitude scale regarding Schizophrenia was prepared and validated. Th ere were 40 items in Knowledge questionnaire and 30 items in Attitude scale. Th e tools were administered to the respondents to measure their baseline pre test knowledge and attitude regarding schizophrenia. Aft er the pre test, the Hollywood movie, ‘A beautiful mind’ based on the life of Dr John Nash, a schizophrenic and a Nobel Prize winner was shown to the participants. It was followed by an awareness talk on ‘Living with Schizophrenia’ with the help of PowerPoint presentation and videos. Post test was conducted to measure the impact of information on knowledge empowerment and attitude of respondents. Data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS 16.0 version. Th e fi ndings of the study showed that the baseline knowledge of the participants was surprisingly very poor. Discrimination and stigma was found in their attitude towards schizophrenic patients. Th e knowledge of the participants improved signifi cantly aft er sensitizing them through the awareness program given by multimedia approach. Results also suggest there were positive gains in attitude. Th us, in conclusion, multimedia approach can be the eff ective tool in sensitizing people towards stigmatized mental disorders like schizophrenia.