Base Khoza and Tiyani Mabunda
University of Venda, South Africa.
Title: Improving the tuberculosis control using the Directly Observed Treatment programme in Limpopo Province, South Africa.
Biography: Base Khoza and Tiyani Mabunda
The Directly Observed Treatment programme has been proven to be effective in many countries worldwide, which is why the World Health Organization is promoting its implementation globally. However, among the nine Tuberculosis high burden countries in Africa, of which South Africa is in position two, seven of these countries have a 100% of the population covered by the strategy but with low cure rates. The programme is being implemented in Limpopo Province, South Africa but there are several challenges that act as barriers to the efficiency of its implementation
The purpose of this study was to critically analyse the effectiveness of the existing tuberculosis Directly Observed Treatment programme in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Qualitative and descriptive designs were employed. Focus group discussions were conducted with the various groups of Health Care Workers, using a semi-structured interview guide. Individual interviews were conducted with the patients.
The findings indicate that there are gaps such as minimal supervision and monitoring, minimal community support and different health beliefs that were found to be contributing to high defaulter rates, late presentation, low cure rates and development of Multiple Drug Resistant tuberculosis and Extremely Drug Resistant tuberculosis. Based on the findings of the study an adapted programme has been developed in order to add value to the existing programme for better outcomes.