Alicia J. Mangram
John C Lincoln Medical Center, USA.
Title: Innovation in Geriatric Trauma: Become a Leader in the New Trauma Culture Change
Biography: Alicia J. Mangram
The recent dramatic explosion in the US geriatric population is associated with increased complications, cost and trauma death rates. Geriatric trauma management strategies which had been previously developed during an era when the census of the elderly was comparatively low are now seen by many as woefully inadequate to meet present-day challenges. Presented with this challenge we must now cease the opportunity to develop innovative interventions designed specifically to address the enormous unmet health quality and economic needs of the elderly. Innovation in geriatric trauma will require thought leaders who are not only prepared to lead but must champion the cause of the elderly and function as catalysts to transform the New Trauma Culture. This presentation will describe services we developed in response to intervention gaps we identified in geriatric trauma care through research. Several of these projects include: Geriatric G-60 service, falls and deaths, rib plating, femoral illiaca nerve blocks for hip fractures. We have tested-driven a number of these strategies to see how well they perform and we plan to share these findings with you including lessons learned. Finally we suggest research needs to advance the field of geriatric trauma. We believe these plans may improve outcomes for the ever increasing number of geriatric patients.