Nesane Kenneth
University of Venda, South Africa
Title: Male partners’ views of involvement in maternal health care services at Makhado B local area clinics in Vhembe District of Limpopo province
Biography: Nesane Kenneth
Background: Male partners have a strong infl uence on pregnant partners’ health and their access to care. Th eir involvement is critical in the delivery and uptake of maternal health care services and to improve the maternal and child health outcomes.
Aim: Th e study sought to determine the male partner’s views on their involvement in maternal health care services.
Setting: Makhado B local area, Vhembe District at Kutama, Madombidzha and Vleifontein clinics.
Methods: Qualitative design, which is exploratory, descriptive and contextual in nature, was used. Population consisted of 10 males whose partners were pregnant within the last 2 years. Non-probability, purposive sampling procedure was used. Data was collected through in-depth individual interviews using the voice recorder and the interview schedule guide. Tesch’s open coding method was used to analyse data.
Results: Th e fi ndings revealed one major theme which is maternal health issues are viewed as women matter and three subthemes namely; culture and participation in childbirth, male partners’ employment status and unwillingness to participate on maternal health issues.
Conclusions: Th e recommendations to facilitate promotion of involving male partners in maternal health care services, to policy makers and for further research were proposed.