Marcio Accioly S Fossari
Health Department of City of Itajai, Brazil
Title: Neonatal care: Public policy and care for the neonate
Biography: Marcio Accioly S Fossari
The main objective of our work is to demonstrate how strategic management of people and commitment of services related to the care of the mother and newborn are an essential part in the development of Public Health Policy for prevention, care and knowledge of prematurity in Itajai, Brazil. We will discuss the positive impact of knowledge management and the generation of the commitment of the professionals who work in the care of pregnant women, women in labor and preterm infants bringing results in the short, medium and long-term eff ects on prematurity in regions where the project is adopted. We all are trying a better proposal, making the aft er contact with the primary care units and asking the care for the hierarchical network proposed by the Public Health Policy in Brazil. Th us we need greater interaction between diff erent levels of care for improvement, dissemination and knowledge of current results. Th e public system of care for pregnant woman and her baby works without expected results and lacking alternative proposals for health care for the population of pregnant women and newborns in our region. As the main result forward to creating an integrated model and interrelation between primary care, secondary and even tertiary care in a humanized model, integral and technically suitable for pregnant women in medium and high risk as well as the best possible care to Newborn product of this gestation.