Martin Pallauf
Medical informatics and Technology (UMIT), Austria
Title: Paternalism in families – burdens of caregivers of elderly family members
Biography: Martin Pallauf
Background: Th is presentation focuses on a gerontological research project on the burden amongst informal caregivers of older family members. Th e research project addresses the impact of multiple caregiving roles and relationship confl icts on caregivers’ burdens and their social and psychological well-being.
Method: Th e qualitative research project has been divided into three steps: In the fi rst step, 13 informal caregivers of noninstitutionalized older family members are interviewed. All caregivers are sandwiched between own children and aging family members. In the second step, 13 informal caregivers of institutionalized older family members are interviewed. In a third step, the data received in steps one and two is discussed with nine diff erent experts.
Results: Th e combined results derived from all three steps clearly show that caregivers suff er from personal, social, psychological and fi nancial strains. Caregiver burden can lead to a high level of long-term stress and lower personal life quality. Sometimes demands are extremely high, more than caregivers can handle. Th is can contribute to caregiver symptoms such as depression or burnout. Especially burdens and stress caused by multiple role confl icts have a determining infl uence on those symptoms. Feelings of guilt and a bad conscience are dominating the caregivers’ basic mood. For caregivers, diffi cult decision-making situations are part of their daily routine. Especially paternalistic decisions can burden caregivers.
Conclusion: Further systematic qualitative research is necessary, comprising the view of additional family members and aff ected individuals. Detailed examinations of external support and infl uences have to be examined. At the same time, quantitative research projects will be necessary to survey qualitative based opinions.