Eva Schulc
Medical informatics and Technology, Austria
Title: Quality of Life, Stigma, and Burden Perception among Family Caregivers and Patients with Psychiatric Illnesses in Jordan
Biography: Eva Schulc
Background: Th e aim of this study was to determine whether or not the Barthel Index (BI) is an adequate basic assessment tool to identify a risk group in people aged 70+ living at home whose capacity for independent living is at risk.
Methods: A multidimensional nursing assessment was performed on 344 people aged 70+ living at home in Austria using the Barthel Index to rate activities of daily living and other functional health indicators. Instead of categorizing the total BI scores (TS) into four groups, the sample was divided into two groups: Independent older people (TS 85-100 pts.) and nonindependent older people (TS 0-80 pts.). Th e division into two groups is based on the assumption that independent living at home is virtually impossible with a TC of 0-80 pts. However, people aged 70+ who are completely independent or only partly in need of care are certainly able to live an independent life. Th e strength of the association between an independent or nonindependent lifestyle and functional health impairments was measured by means of odds ratios with a 95% confi dence interval.
Results: Th e BI classifi ed 76.8% of the 70+ year-olds (n=265) as independent. In comparison to the independent group, the non-independent group (n=79, 22.8%) had signifi cantly more health-related problems in all assessed dimensions (e.g., TS of the IADL Index [0-7 pts.] (OR 1.4, 95% CI [1.31, 1.53]), dissatisfaction with general health status (OR 5.1, 95% CI [2.99, 8.71]) and falls during the last year (OR 2.9, 95% CI [1.69, 4.88]).
Conclusion: Categorization of the BI was able to identify a risk group and can provide a solid basis for target-group-specifi c support planning in the fi eld of home-based primary care in Austria under due consideration of bio-psychosocial conditions.