Gulsah KOSE
Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Turkey
Title: Reliability and validity of the intensive care delirium screening checklist in Turkish
Biography: Gulsah KOSE
Introduction: Nurses in the ICU can detect delirium not only through clinical experience but also a suitable instrument should be used. ICDSC is a quick-administered instrument with many advantages in terms of patients and users. Th erefore, ICDSC is one of the instruments used by nurses to detect and monitor delirium in the ICU.
Purpose: Th e aim of this study is to investigate and evaluate the cultural and linguistic validity and reliability of intensive care delirium screening checklist (ICDSC) for the diagnosis of delirium in intensive care unit patients in Turkey.
Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used. Fift y-nine patients in an intensive care unit for longer than 24 hours were included in this study. Th e patients were assessed for delirium by two nurses and a psychiatrist. Th e nurses evaluated the patients by using ICDSC and the psychiatrist assessed them according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria. Th e assessment of the psychiatrist was taken as gold standard for the diagnosis of delirium. Th e evaluations of the nurses were compared with the gold standard method and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis of the scale was performed for the validity of scale.
Results: Cronbach’s alpha coeffi cient indicated that ICDSC was a reliable test with high internal consistency (specialist nurse min: 0.720, max: 0.855, primary nurse min: 0.728 and max: 0.830). ROC curve analyses of the nurses’ evaluations were found 0.863 and 0.767 respectively. Th e specifi city (82.1 and 81.4), sensitivity (90.6 and 71.9) and inter rater reliability (0.607-0.921) of the ICDSC were found in both nurses’ evaluations.
Conclusion: Th e fi ndings showed that the sensitivity and specifi city of ICDSC are high for Turkish patients. ICDSC provides fast and eff ective evaluations of the patients for delirium. So, ICDSC may be easily integrated into routine nursing practice.