Nancy McNamara
Waikato Institute of Technology, New Zealand
Title: Simulation in an undergraduate nursing programme: How do students rate their learning?
Biography: Nancy McNamara
The aim of this research was to evaluate student learning from a newly introduced simulation program. Th e n=158 second semester nursing students taking part in a 40 hour simulated nursing practice program reported signifi cant learning in the areas of basic skills, clinical documentation collaboration and care. In this subsequent study students were asked to rate their learning in the areas identifi ed. Students were asked to complete a questionnaire at the start of their simulated practice program by rating their knowledge, understanding and perceived competence in diff erent areas of practice. At the end of the program students were asked to re-rate their knowledge, understanding and perceived competence in the identifi ed areas of the learning. Student scores were recorded and analyzed three ways using descriptive statistics. Overall, the analyses showed a statistically signifi cant diff erence between students’ pre and post scores. Students’ highest post-test score was in their understanding of the patient experience. Th is study provides evidence that the program signifi cantly improved students’ ability to confi dently make clinical decisions, complete professional documents and maintain a therapeutic patient relationship. Similarly, the program appears to have signifi cantly improved students’ understanding of issues directly relevant to patient care such as reason for admission and diagnosis, patients’ experience and competencies in providing patient care.