Hekmat Ibrahim Abed El Kerim
Assuit University, Egypt
Title: The effect of nutritive versus non nutritive feeding methods on pain relive for premature infants in prone position following invasive procedures
Biography: Hekmat Ibrahim Abed El Kerim
Aim: Th e aim of this study is to assess the eff ect of nutritive versus non nutritive feeding methods on pain relive for premature infants in prone position following invasive procedures.
Research Design: Quasi Experimental research design was utilized.
Setting: Th is study was conducted in neonatal Intensive care unit (NICU) at Assuit University Pediatric Hospital.
Subjects: Th e subjects who participated in this study included a convenient sample of 90 premature infants who were selected randomly from the previous setting. Th ey were divided into three groups of premature infants (30 neonates for each group). Two fi ft hs of the premature infants of both the control and study group-2 (46.6% for both) and more than half (56.7) of group-3 had birth weight from 1500 to less than 2500 kg. More than half of the control group (53.3%) had 28-31 weeks of gestational age while 53.3% and 50.0% respectively of study group-2 and 3 respectively had 32-35 weeks of gestational age. Th e majority of the subjects had history of respiratory distress [control group (93.3%), study group-2 (86.6%) and study group-3 (76.6%)]. Th e majority of premature infants in the control group (60%) was active or awake and had eye open, facial movement of behavioral state.
Results & Conclusion: Th e highest percentage of premature infants' in the control group had an increase in heart rate by 25 beats per min or more (46.7%) and a decrease in oxygen saturation (50.0%) by 7.5% or more. Th e highest percentage of the control group (60%) was taking a maximum of 70% of time or more to express the facial action. It was concluded that sucrose solution and non-nutritive sucking were eff ective in reducing premature infants' pain during invasive procedures in prone position as signifi cant diff erences were found between the control group and study groups. In addition, it could be said that sucrose solution is slightly better than non-nutritive sucking (pacifi er) in pain relief for premature infants during invasive procedure. Although no signifi cant diff erence was found, the percentage of premature infants who suff ered from mild pain & received sucrose solution was higher than those who suff ered from mild pain & received non-nutritive sucking.
Recommendation: Based on the fi ndings, the study recommends that encourage nurses to use of feeding methods such as sucrose solution and non-nutritive sucking (pacifi er) before painful invasive procedures in premature infants on prone position is a simple, non invasive and eff ective method in pain management. Th e use of sucrose solution is slightly better than non-nutritive sucking (pacifi er) in reliving premature infants’ pain.