Leesa McBroom
William Jewell College, USA
Title: Unique dynamics of divorce for children with Type-1 Diabetes
Biography: Leesa McBroom
In the United States, approximately 1.5 million children are aff ected by divorce annually. Maintaining separate households and inter-parental confl icts related to divorce likely result in diff erent experiences for divorced families. Divorced family dynamics have not been well studied in relation to chronic illness and nursing care. Th is presentation will describe the diffi culties related to divorced co-parenting dynamics identifi ed by divorced mothers in managing Type-1 Diabetes (T1D) for their children. Open-ended interviews were conducted with mothers who had children diagnosed with diabetes. Co-parenting divorce dynamics were identifi ed for divorced mothers who manage T1D for their children. Interventions for family-centered nursing care will be discussed.