Saber Boutayeb
National institute of oncology, Morocco
Title: The evaluation of nurse activity in the day hospital of the national institute of oncology
Biography: Saber Boutayeb
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the activity of nurses in oncology in the context of the national institute of oncology in Morocco. Material & Methods: This study is retrospective and was conducted between 01/01/2013 and 31/12/2013. The primary end point was the evaluation of nurse activity in the day hospital of oncology. The data was collected from our software win hospital. Results: A total of 2600 new patients were treated in our institute in 2013 and 16500 cycles of chemotherapy were administered by our team of nurses which include 12 nurses. Breast cancer represented the first pathology in women (33%) whereas the lung cancer was the most common in men (21%). The short protocols represented 49%, the intermediate 28% and the long protocols 23%.The number of patients per seat of chemotherapy was 2.64/day. Discussion: These results will be discussed during the congress.