Vladimir Obolensky
Russian National Research Medical University, Russia
Title: The providing of the method of the local negative pressure in the treatment of the wounds
Biography: Vladimir Obolensky
The high clinical and economic efficiency of method of treatment of the wounds by negative pressure (NPWT) doesn't raise doubts. The using of NPWT allows us to improve all the main indicators to reduce the terms of the treatment and the duration of a stay of the patient in a hospital, to reduce the cost of the funds, working hours of the personnel. Besides, the long absence of the bandaging at the inpatient, so the contact of a wound with the tool and the air of medical institution, with the hands of the medical personnel, reduces the risk of a contamination of the wound by the hospital strains of microorganisms. Our more than seven years experience in the application of this method includes more than 1,500 patients with chronic wounds and trophic ulcers, acute purulent inflammation of soft tissues, infectious complications in trauma and orthopaedics, in the abdominal, thoracic and colorectal surgery. We conducted a number of prospective randomized and comparative clinical and clinico-economic studies on the effectiveness of NPWT in the treatment of various wounds. However, the demand method on the one hand and the high cost of the equipment on the other hand has forced us together with engineers to develop a cheap mobile model vacuum aspirator designed for use in both residential and outpatient settings under the patronage nurses.