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Cheryl  Rockwell

Cheryl Rockwell



Cheryl Rockwell is a clinical assistant professor of nursing at Indiana University- Purdue University in Fort Wayne. She have been a full faculty member of the nursing department since 2010 and was a limited term lecturer 6 years prior. She currently teach courses in medical-surgical, critical care, and trauma nursing, and teach in the RN to BS online program. She started my career 27 years ago in the Surgical/Trauma/Neuro Intensive Care Unit and presently still work at the bedside as much as she can in this very unit. Her dedication and vows to always stay current in bedside practice has been a monumental gift and advantage in teaching nursing students and collaborating with fellow faculty members. She had certifications in CCRN and ATCN. She is a member of AACN and have held positions both locally and nationally. She is also an honored member of Sigma Theta Tau and hold a local chapter position.


Abstract : Fine-tuning nursing students’ assessments in a Trauma Elective Course