Ameera Aldossary
King Fahad Specialist Hsopital-Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Ameera Aldossary has completed her PhD in Nursing Studies on January 2011 from King’s College London and her Master of Science in Health Services Management on November 2004 from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. She is the Director of Nursing Practice, Education and Research in King Fahad Specialist Hospital-Dammam and she was an Assistant Professor of Nursing in Prince Sultan Military College of Health Sciences form 2005 to 2014. She has published three papers in reputed journals and has been participating in several workshops, symposiums and conferences nationally and internationally. She was the Member in the Nursing Scientifi c Board in the Saudi Commission for Health Specialist.
Abstract : Patient-Nurse psychosocial and communication skills in Military Hospitals in Saudi Arabia