Ann M Mitchell and Irene Kane
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Ann M Mitchell has completed her PhD from the University of Pittsburgh. She is a Professor of Nursing and Vice Chair for Administration in the Health and Community Systems Department at the University of Pittsburgh; School of Nursing. She is the Project Director or Principal Investigator on two HRSA-funded grants, two CDC-funded grants and a grant through SAMHSA. She has over 50 peer-reviewed publications and sits on the Editorial Boards of a number of journals. She and members of her team received the International Award for Excellence in Evidence-Based Practice Award from Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), the Honor Society of Nursing. Irene Kane is an Associate Professor of Nursing with extensive clinical, teaching and research experience in developing and teaching health promotion programs emphasizing disease prevention and health management to improve psychobiological wellbeing. She is a certifi ed Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) trainer with over 25 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and share SBIRT training knowledge, skills and outcomes to address substance use identifi cation and brief interventions earlier along the continuum of use, misuse, abuse and dependence.
Abstract : Alcohol screening and brief intervention-works to reduce harm