Magda Mohamed Bayoumi
1Al-Farabi College, Saudi Arabia
Magda Mohamed Bayoumi is currently working as an Assistant Professor, Head of Nursing Department at Al-Farabi Colleges Riyadh. She has been the Dean College of Medical Applied Sciences, King Khalid University in the Medical & Surgical Departments for 4 years and as a Lecturer in the Faculty of Nursing, King Saud University for 4 years and before to that; working in haemo and peritoneal dialysis for seven years. She was awarded with PhD in 2007 from Ain Shams University. She has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as Reviewer of repute. Her main interests are in nursing research, adding to new nursing knowledge for the benefi t of patients, families and communities; this encompasses all aspects of health including promotion and prevention.