Mary joan therese c. Valera
University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines.
Mary Joan Therese Valera has a master’s degree in public health in 2007and a bachelor’s degree in nursing in 1991 from the University of the Philippines Manila (UPM). Her nursing career started in 1992, when she worked as staff nurse in the adult medical-surgical ward of the Philippine General Hospital (PGH). In 1996, she was invited by the UPM College of Nursing (UPM-CN) to join their roster of faculty that same year in June. In May, 1997, she had a seizure while undergoing teacher’s training, and was diagnosed to have low grade brain tumor. After five brain surgeries that left her with right-sided motor deficits, she went back to PGH as research assistant in the Adult Health Section of Medical Research Unit, and at the PGH National Poison Management and Control Center from December, 1999 to April, 2003. She enrolled at UPM College of Public Health in June, 2003, and at the same time rejoined the UPM-CN faculty up to the present.
Prof. Valera is a member of the Community Health Nursing Specialty Group. Among her research works are nursing competencies and clinical learning environment of student nurses. Her published works were community-based studies on fall risks of older persons and poisoning. She has made research presentations across Asia and Europe.
Abstract : Mary joan therese c. Valera