Biography: Filiz Ozel
Behcet’s Disease (BD) is a chronic, relapsing, systemic vasculitis of unknown aetiology with clinical features of mucocutaneous lesions, ocular, vascular, articular, gastrointestinal, urogenital, pulmonary and neurologic involvement. In BD, symptoms are varied and all these symptoms negatively aff ect the biopsychological and social life of the patients and reduce their quality of life. In a study by Canbolat et al. (2010), it was determined that, of the patients, 75.5% had pain, 31.9% had sleep problems and 23.4% suff ered from fatigue. While bodily pains aff ected the daily lives of 59.6% of the patients, fatigue aff ected the daily lives of 69.1% of them. In a study conducted by Karlıdag et al. (2001) it was determined that patients with Behcet’s disease experienced fear, sadness, anxiety, hopelessness and ambiguity (74.9%), that they oft en used active relaxation strategy (36.1%), distraction strategy (25%) and avoidance strategy in order to cope with the disease and that those who had diffi culty in coping suff ered psychiatric symptoms. Nursing care is for these people who need a qualified nursing care team available to them 24 hours a day. Th at might include people who need intensive rehabilitative care, for example, people who need oral care, people with physical disabilities and people with long-term conditions. Nursing care is based on the use of personalized care plans. Individual nursing care plan is important for these patients.