Filiz Ozel
Kastamonu University, Turkey
Filiz Ozel has completed her Undergraduate study in the Nursing Section of Uludag University School of Health (2004-2007). After obtaining her undergraduate degree, she has worked as a Clinic Nurse (2007-2009). She has initiated her Postgraduate study in the Department of Internal Diseases Nursing, Ege University Health Sciences Institute. She has completed her Doctorate education from the Department of Internal Diseases Nursing, Ege University School of Nursing. She has then worked as an Observer in the Behcet’s Syndrome Center af New York Langone Medical Center Seligman Center For Advanced Therapeutics. She took part in a number of national and international congresses and courses during her postgraduate and doctorate education. She is currently working in the Department of Internal Diseases Nursing, Ege University Nursing Faculty as a Research Assistant.
Abstract : Behcet’s disease and nursing care